Friday, January 07, 2011
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Monday, March 15, 2010

1. to rise, leap, move, or act suddenly and swiftly, as by a sudden dart or thrust forward or outward, or being suddenly released from a coiled or constrained position
2. to be released from a constrained position, as by resilient or elastic force or from the action of a spring
3. to come into being, rise, or arise within a short time; to come into being by growth, as from a seed or germ, bulb, root, etc.; grow, as plants.
Look at those definitions!!! How could you know hear "SPRING FORWARD" and not get motivated into action. Add to that MARCH, which is the month that gives birth to Spring, and its powerful reference to movement (I love to say that MARCH is the only month that is a verb) and you've got good reason to move!

Spring Forward in 2010!
It's not just some catchy phrase (though it is quite), but it's also a mandate for life. In order to move forward in your life, you've got to show up in your life and prepare for your life. You can't talk about springing forward if you are not prepared or preparing. Your joining this website is the preparation and so be active here. Listen to the podcasts and actively take on the assignments and take in the information.
As you spring forward, move ahead, you've got to be clear that you want new, so be compelled to do new. Spring forward and give all of your attention to your intention and if your intention is to be great, to be better, to be more, then that is what needs to get your energy. Spring Forward is about being proactive and in action, purposeful and pointed because you've got work to do and you are the one to do it.
Spring Forward and give yourself permission to be great. Living in a place that speaks to greatness is about saying you want to be your best/blessed you. Great isn't about fame or fortune, but living in your greatness can bring them both to you. Greatness is that place ahead/forward where you are destined to be and live in your truth--whether great wife, great writer, great singer, great artist, great business owner, great life. You already know the things you want to do and Spring Forward is about moving ahead into just doing it. Now, if you don't know, Spring Forward is about discovering what that is for you--read a good book (IT'S TIME FOR SOME ACTION, my newest book, is out now) or attend a class and find out what it is you have within you by asking.
You've got to be an active participant in your life! Spring Forward and discover who you can be when you put some of that energy that you continue to give away to over back into you!

Friday, February 12, 2010

You will be empowered and in that power, you will find yourself, your soul and your daily inspiration for being.
em⋅pow⋅er /ɛmˈpaʊər/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [em-pou-er]
–verb (used with object)
1. to give power or authority to; authorize, esp. by legal or official means:
2. to enable or permit: Wealth empowered him to live a comfortable life.

Right now.
It's all you have and if you are willing to do the work, it's all you need.
The power and the purpose of this site is to help you grow, beyond the things you think you can't do and towards the things that you've been told are impossible to do.
Empowerment is about finding the strength and tenacity to live in your blessed/best space. Empowerment is about taking authority over and in your life and standing up for the dreams that seem lost. Empowerment is what this site is about and I plan, day-by-day, deed-by-deed, to talk you, walk you, work you, wake you up until you arrive at a place where living your best/blessed life is more than just an entry into your journal or something that you whisper at night.
It's time, from right here, to take back your life and get to the business of living well.

I will use this blog to sometimes daily and definitely weekly speak to you, the members of the site, about everything (QUESTIONS YOU HAVE; CONCERNS YOU SUBMIT AND MANY OTHER THINGS) you need to hear from myself and other experts. I hope to change your mind and your life.
It's your life and it's worth living extraordinarily well.